Mouth Cancer Awareness

Early detection saves lives

Oral cancer is a growing area of concern worldwide. With more than 300 cases reported in Ireland every year, there has never been a better time to raise awareness. Originally, the profile for a patient at risk for oral cancer was a male long-term smoker. This was a narrow perspective and we now know that while men are more at risk than women, risk factors such as the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) place young adults at risk.

At Cornelscourt Dental, we screen for mouth cancer at every dental checkup. We also assess each patient in terms of risk factors and discuss ways to lower risk. Early detection of oral cancer is the primary factor that will increase your chance of survival. If it has been more than one year since your last dental checkup, call us today on 01 289 6182 for an appointment – it could save your life.

Read about: Oral Cancer

More information: Irish Cancer Society